

Delivered by one of the Streetwise team, Workshops are interactive and engaging and have been designed to re-frame young people's decision making.

All workshops deal with real life scenarios.

Themes include:

  • Unwelcome approach from a stranger.
  • Being public transport safe.
  • Mobile phone mugging.
  • Attempted abduction.
  • Dealing with a confrontation on a night out.

All workshops are age appropriate and take in account the moral and legal aspect of actions.


Workshop Delivery

The workshops can be delivered in the following ways:

  • Whole Year groups.
  • Mixed groups or split into boys & girls.
  • Smaller group sessions (these tend to be more interactive).
  • Targeted Groups. For example, vulnerable students or those exhibiting ‘at-risk' behaviour.

Workshops are a great addition to a drop-down PSHE/Lifeskills day.