Personal Safety Strategies


Introduction and the Three I's

This video introduces you to 8 personal safety strategies. The first strategy is the 3i's. By listening to instinct & intuition, intelligent choices will be made.




Lines of Communication

 Young people need to feel safe & secure if they are going to share important information. We need to nurture clear & open lines of communication to allow this to happen.




Assertive Body Language

This is the magic technique that will keep a young people safe and free from harm.




Manners and Respect

 Our students have been socialised to believe that adults and those who are in authority should always be obeyed. However, our young people need the awareness & confidence to challenge this assumption if it compromises their personal safety.




Clever Never Goes

Clever Never Goes is a lovable robot who teaches children how to deal with ‘stranger danger'.




The Sleepover

 Here is some simple & practical advice for parents whose children are going for a sleepover and someone else's house.





Safety Nets

 his video will explain how to put safety nets under children with respect to their personal safety.




Focus Locks

 The modern world sees our children using mobile devices more and more. They need to be taught to use them with a sense of awareness.